Hi everyone! It has been about a month since I last posted. Today, I am posting about the traditional Valentines day card poem. You know the one:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you."
Here is my response to this poem. I wrote my own. Here it is:
"My input on Valentines Day"
'Roses are red, Violets are blue.
That's what they say and it just isn't true.
Whoever wrote that might go back to school.
I KNOW violets are violet.
Do they think I'm a fool?
If I'm gonna put a poem on a card,
I want something true, solid, and hard.
If you want to write poems that rhyme and are great,
First, please make sure that you get your facts straight.
Let's go back to the beginning, let's go back to the start.
Let's make a new poem that is actually smart.
The first step we'll take is to make the facts true.
But we'll also make it rhyme, cause that's cool too.
Second, let's make sure it's original, and ours.
But I'm not sure if we'll still use the flowers.
Someone has done that, the theme is not new.
But it's not my decision, it's up to you.
If you want to make poems on Valentines cards,
Remember that rhyming will be somewhat hard.
A quick note would be fine,
It doesn't have to sound awesome.
It doesn't have to mention different colored blossoms.
Use capitalization, punctuation, be neat.
This one special person will think THAT quite a feat.
If you want to make a poem that is pretty and an art,
One thing to make sure of,
Is that it comes, from the heart.'
Yes, I wrote that myself. Even though this is true, I couldn't fit it on a card. Maybe I should shorten it for next year...
Happy Valentines Day! ~Ryan M.