Sunday, July 8, 2012

My new project!

Hey everyone!

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do when I grow up. Mainly, I want to be a writer, and so I have decided to get as much experience as I can.

So I have started a podcast! To everyone who, (like me a year ago) has no idea what a podcast is. Basically, it is a way to put audio or video up on the Internet for all to see. My podcast will be based on my favorite audio drama, Adventures in Odyssey (no surprise there). The main reason I am making a podcast is so I can gain experience in writing and sound production. These are two of the things I want to do when I grow up. Since my main objective is to work on AIO, I think it will be a good idea to have experience in these areas.

What will it be like? Simple answer, a little like AIO, in the way that it is fun to listen to, and characters have fun together. But it will also be a podcast where I discuss AIO episodes and latest AIO news.

Well, now that you know what it is like, I should tell you what it's called. It is called, "The World Famous Odyssey Podcast". There are two reasons behind the name.

1. The main objective (or so people say) of the podcast is to be a world famous podcast someday.

2. If you abbreviate the four words, you get "Wod Fam Od Pod". This is a small reference to the famous drink, "World Famous Chocolate Soda", or "Wod Fam Choc Sod" in the AIO radio drama.

My good friend, Michael Wilmot (he is from Australia!) is really good at art and he made the official art for my podcast. That is what the picture on this post is. (The actual art is his, and the border was my idea)

So there you have it! All the info about my new podcast. Well, everything but the website. And to tell you the truth, I am still working on that. I have a temporary blog for it, but I will probably use a different URL. But for the time being, you can check it out at

I should have the next episode out soon, so be watching!

Until next time! ~Ryan M.

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